Affiliated Faculty (UA)

Affiliated Faculty (UA)

Benjamin C. Fortna

Head and Professor, School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies

Amy W. Newhall

Former MESA Executive Director

Retired Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Matthew Abraham

Professor, English

Modern Languages 445

Amir I. Ajami

(retired) Associate Director, CALS International Programs

Mahmoud Ali

Assistant Professor of Practice, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Sama Alshaibi

Professor, Art

Art Building & Art Museum 108

Robert Ariew

(retired) Professor Emeritus

Daniel Arnon

Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy

 Social Sciences 315

Sara Aronowitz

Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Social Sciences, 208
Mahmoud Azaz

Mahmoud Azaz

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Nayel Badareen

Lecturer, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Adele Barker

(retired) Professor Emerita

Mamadou A. Baro

Associate Research Anthropologist

Professor, School of Anthropology

Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP

Emil W. Haury Building, Room 318

Carine Bourget

Professor, French and Italian

Professor, Near Eastern Studies

Modern Languages 559

Leslie Boyer

(retired) Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics

Professor, Pathology - (Clinical Scholar Track)

Associate Professor, BIO5 Institute

Director, Viper Institute

Arizona Health Sciences Center, 6131

Alex Braithwaite

Associate Professor, School of Government and Public Policy

Social Sciences, 315

Jessica Maves Braithwaite

Assistant Professor, School of Government and Public Policy

Social Sciences, 315

Michael Brewer

Department Head, Research and Learning Librarian

Main Library, A204

Melody Buckner

Interim Dean, University of Arizona South

Director, Digital Learning Initiatives and Online Education

University Services Building, 301

Robert A Burns

Associate Professor Emeritus

Megan Carney

Assistant Professor, School of Anthropology

Emil W. Haury Building, Room 318

Nader V. Chalfoun

Professor, Architecture Program

Chair, MS in Architecture

Professor, Global Change - GIDP

Abdessalem Choura

Instructor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg. 440

Gary Christopherson

Associate Professor of Practice, School of Geography and Development

Director, Center for Applied Spatial Analysis

Associate Professor, Remote Sensing / Spatial Analysis - GIDP

Julia Clancy-Smith

Professor, MENAS Professor, Near Eastern Studies Regents

Professor Professor, Roshan GIDP - Persian and Iranian Studies

Betül Czerkawski

Professor, Instructional Design & Technology

Linda Darling

Professor, History

Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Professor, Roshan GIDP - Persian and Iranian Studies

Social Sciences 231

Chris Demchak

Associate Professor, School of Public Administration and Policy

Kyle DiRoberto

Assistant Professor, English, UA South

CMES ISPP Fellow (Fall 2017 and Spring 2018)

1140 N COLOMBO, UA South

Ted Downing

Research Professor, Social Development

AZ Research Labs Annex 111

Richard Eaton

Professor, History

Professor, Near Eastern Studies

Professor, Roshan GIDP - Persian and Iranian Studies

Social Sciences 111B

Charles M. Falco

(retired) Professor, Optical Sciences

Chair, Condensed Matter Physics

Professor, Physics

Gould-Simpson 1021

Samira Farwaneh

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies

Associate Professor, Linguistics

Associate Professor, Second Language Acquisition/Teaching Grad I

Associate Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP

Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Mark P. Frederickson

(retired) Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture

Adel S. Gamal

(retired) Professor Emeritus, School of Middle Eastern & North African Studies

David N. Gibbs

Professor, History (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Political Science (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210023 Cesar E Chavez Building #338

David L. Graizbord

Professor, Judaic Studies (Tenured)

Associate Director, Arizona Center for Judaic Studies

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 420

Iman A. Hakim

Dean, Public Health

Director, Global Health Institute

Professor, Public Health (Tenured)

Research Professor, Family and Community Medicine (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Adjunct Professor, Nutritional Sciences (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Endowed Chair, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 245024 Roy P. Drachman Hall A317G

Eleni Hasaki

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Professor, Religious Studies / Classics (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg 314A

James Hess

Limited Term Adjunct Instructor

College of Applied Science and Technology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 211011 Sierra Vista Campus 101

Leila Hudson

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Associate Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Barbara Hutchinson

(retired) Librarian Emerita

Associate - Communications Specialist

Biological Sciences East 209

R. Brooks Jeffery

(retired) Professor Emeritus

Associate - Lecturer, Architecture

Administration 601

Simin Karimi

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)

Associate Research Social Scientist

Professor, Near Eastern Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210025 Communication 106

Deborah Kaye

Senior Lecturer, Judaic Studies (Career Track)

Senior Lecturer, French and Italian (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 420

Marwan Krunz

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Tenured)

Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Computer Science (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Endowed Professor, Kenneth VonBehren (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210104 Electrical & Computer Engr 356

Tamar Kugler

Associate Professor, Management/Organizations (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Associate Professor, Psychology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

she, her, hers

PO Box 210108 McClelland Hall 405BB

Paulette Kurzer

Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (Tenured)

PO Box 210027 Social Sciences 323

Margaret Livingston

Professor, Landscape Architecture (Tenured)

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Renewable Natural Resources (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210075 Architecture A303K

Scott Lucas

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B  Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 445

Eva-Maria Maggi

Limited Term Adjunct Instructor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

she, her, hers

PO Box 210027 Social Sciences 315

Fred S. Matter

(retired) Professor Emeritus

Farid Matuk

Associate Professor, English (Tenured)

they, he

PO Box 210067 Modern Languages 445

Sharon Megdal

Director, Water Resources Research Center

Endowed Professor, C W/Modene Neely (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Specialist, Environmental Science (Continuing)

Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Agricultural-Resource Economics, Environmental Science, School of Geography and Development, Public Administration and Policy, Public Health, James E Rogers College of Law, Judaic Studies

Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible) Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP, Planning,

Distinguished Outreach Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Member of the Graduate Faculty (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210437 Water Resources Research Ctr. 7

Barbara Mills

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, American Indian Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, American Indian Studies-GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Curator, Archaeology

she, her, hers

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg. 408E

Gary P. Nabhan

Research Social Scientist (Continuing)

Research Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Assistant Professor, School of Geography and Development (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Adjunct Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210185 Little Chapel of All Nations 185

Beth Alpert Nakhai

Acting Director, Arizona Center for Judaic Studies

Associate Professor, Judaic Studies (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg. 420

Maha Nassar

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Yaseen Noorani

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

Associate Professor, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Austin O'Malley

Assistant Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenure Eligible)

Roshan Institute Assistant Professor, Persian and Iranian Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Marshall 442 Office Hours: M/W 11:00 - 12:00 PM

Leslye Obiora

Professor, Law (Tenured)

PO Box 210176 College of Law Building 230

Nancy Odegaard

(retired) Conservator Emerita

Associate - Conservator, Arizona State Museum

Arizona State Museum South 00105C

Elizabeth Oglesby

Associate Professor, Latin American Studies (Tenured)

Associate Professor, School of Geography and Development (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO BOX 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg. 280

Ahmet Okal

Assistant Professor of Practice (Career Track)

he, him, his

PO BOX 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

John W. Olsen

Research Professor Emeritus (Non-Tenure Eligible)

(retired) Professor Emeritus

he, him, his

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg. 210

Thomas Park

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Associate Research Anthropologist

Associate Professor, Near Eastern Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Associate Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg 315

Jennifer Post

Associate Professor of Practice (Career Track)

PO Box 210004 Music 109

Denis Provencher

Professor, French and Italian (Tenured)

Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, School of Anthropology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210067 Modern Languages 549

Hamdi A. Qafisheh

(retired) Professor Emeritus

John C Racy

(retired) Professor Emeritus

Arizona Health Sciences Center 007404

Atifa Rawan

(retired) Librarian Emerita

Associate - Visiting Scholar

Jeannine Relly

Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs and Inclusion

Professor (Tenured)

Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (Non-Tenure Eligible)

she, her, hers

PO Box 210028 Douglass 200W

Gil Ribak

Associate Professor, Judaic Studies (Tenured)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 420

James J. Riley

(retired) Associate Professor, Environmental Science

Irene Romano

Professor, Art (Tenured)

Professor, Anthropology (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Curator, Mediterranean Archaeology

PO Box 210026 Arizona State Museum North 316-N

Mort Rosenblum

(retired) Professor of Practice Emeritus

Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 334

Beverly A. Seckinger

Professor, School of Theatre/Film and Television (Tenured)

Professor, Social / Cultural / Critical Theory - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Distinguished Outreach Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 229

Jacqueline Sharkey

(retired) Professor Emerita

Sonia Shiri

Professor, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

Assistant Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Brian Silverstein

Associate Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Associate Professor, Social / Cultural / Critical Theory - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg 126

Charles D. Smith

(retired) Professor Emeritus

David Soren

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Adjunct Professor, Art (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Religious Studies / Classics (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg 321

Mary C. Stiner

Professor, Anthropology (Tenured)

Regents Professor (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Curator, Archaeology

PO Box 210030 Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg 409 B

Janet L. Sturman

(retired) Professor Emerita

Administration 322

Kamran Talattof

Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Tenured)

Elahe Omidyar Mir-Djalali Chair, Persian and Iranian Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Chair, Roshan Persian and Iranian Studies - GIDP

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 440

Phyllis Taoua

Professor, French and Italian (Tenured)

Professor, Applied Intercultural Arts Research - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210067 Modern Languages 588

Ramzi Touchan

(retired) Research Professor Emeritus

Associate - Professor Emeritus

Tolga Türker

Associate - Limited Term Adjunct Instructor, School of Government and Public Policy

University Services Building, Suite 322

Adam Ussishkin

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)

Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

he, him, his

PO Box 210028 Douglass 312

Pamela Vandiver

Professor Emerita (Non-Tenure Eligible)

(retired) Professor Emerita

PO Box 210012 Mines And Metallurgy 141

Robert Varady

Research Professor, Environmental Policy (Continuing)

Adjunct Professor, Hydrology and Water Resources (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Adjunct Research Professor, Natural Resources and the Environment (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210483 Udall Ctr - Studies in Pub Pol

Thomas Volgy

Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (Tenured)

PO Box 210027 Social Sciences 330

Anthony F Vuturo

(retired) Professor Emeritus

Pre-99 Retiree


Andrew Wedel

Professor, Linguistics (Tenured)

Associate Professor, School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Cognitive Science - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

Professor, Second Language Acquisition / Teaching - GIDP (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210028 Douglass 303

Richard H Wilkinson

(retired) Regents Professor Emeritus

John P Willerton

Professor, School of Government and Public Policy (Tenured)

PO Box 210027 Social Sciences 316

J Edward Wright

Director, Judaic Studies

Professor, Judaic Studies (Tenured)

Professor, J Edward Wright-Arizona Center for Judaic Studies (Non-Tenure Eligible)

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 420
Maggy Zanger

Maggy Zanger

Associate - Adjunct Instructor

Adjunct Instructor, Journalism (Non-Tenure Eligible)

(retired) Professor of Practice Emerita

she, her, hers

PO Box 210158B Louise Foucar Marshall Bldg 343